01 February, 2017

Keeping Raspbian Current

The other day, I decided to update Raspbian OS on my Raspberry Pi. The process was rather straightforward. After logging into the Raspberry Pi using ssh.

I updated the system's package list using the command:
sudo apt-get update  

To upgrade the installed packages without updating dependencies, I used the command:
sudo apt-get upgrade  

Alternatively, I could have used the following to upgrade the installed packages and change dependencies.
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  

Upgrade is used to install the newest version of all packages currently installed. Dist-upgrade performs the same functionality as upgrade does plus it changes dependencies.

It is worthwhile to cleanup the local repository. There are few commands to help with this.

sudo apt-get clean  
Clean clears out the local repository.

sudo apt-get autoclean  
Autoclean removes package files that can no longer be downloaded

sudo apt-get autoremove  
Autoremove cleans out dependencies that are not longer needed.

Recently, I got into chaining commands together. I started doing so that I would not have to keep track of which command I had already run and which command needs to be run.
To upgrade the installed packages and change dependencies, I used the command:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get clean

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