14 January, 2007

New Line Cinema puts Peter Jackson on the Blacklist

SCIFI.com is reporting that Robert Shaye, head of New Line Cinema, will not let Peter Jackson direct another film for New Line Cinema.

As I understand it, Shaye is upset with Jackson because Jackson is suing New Line Cinema. The lawsuit is over an accounting issue on the movie "Fellowship of the Ring." It appears that there was some anomalies that surfaced from a partial audit that Jackson would like answered.

After reading reading the posting on SCIFI.com entitled "Shaye: New Line Blacklists Jackson", I am inclined to believe that New Line Cinema is shooting itself in the foot. Peter Jackson has proved he can make money and produce a multiple good movies. Are these not the qualities a movie studio would want in a director?

On a personal note, I am interested in seeing what Peter Jackson can and would do with the "Hobbit". I think New Line is making a big mistake not wanting to work with Jackson. I am hoping Jackson will get the chance to direct more movies and he gets the opportunity to bring the "Hobbit" to us on the big screen.

03 January, 2007

Starship size comparison chart

For all the sci-fi geeks, check out this "starship size comparison chart."

What Does 200 Calories Look Like?

For the last few months, I have been working on improving my eating habits. My basic plan is to reduce the amount of food I eat and to eat less processed food. So far I have lost 15 pounds just working on changing my eating habits. Over at "wiseGEEK" there is a neat post on "What Does 200 Calories Look Like?"

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