14 October, 2013

Relearning HTML and CSS

Due to some recent changes at work, I am now relearning HTML and CSS. So far it has been fairly easy to refresh my memory of the language and technology. I am now in the process of learning HTML5 and CSS3. The following is a list of frameworks, tools, generators, tips and resources that have left an impression on me during my learning process.

HTML Frameworks
HTML5 Boilerplate is a quick way of getting started with a new website. I have used this framework a few times in learning projects. I have found it to be straight-forward to use and helped me to learn some of the modern tips and tricks with HTML and CSS.

LimeJS is a framework for HTML5 games. I have read some nice reviews. As of yet, I don't have any experience with framework.

Web Design Software / Editors / IDEs
jEdit is one of my go too tools. The interface is easy to use, syntax highlighting for lot of languages and it works in Window, Mac and Linux.  I switch between Windows and Linux on a daily bases. It is nice to have tool that works well and has a familiar interface.

Eclipse is the tool that I normally turn to for Java and Android development. I have not used the HTML and CSS editing features extensively. What I really like about this is the familiar interface. This allows me to focus on learning the language and not the tool.

BlueGriffon is an editor that uses the rendering engine of Firefox. I don't have any experience with the tool other than reading a few blog posts. It appear the tool has a lot of promise.

CSS3 Generators
CSS3.me a simple and fast way of creating CSS for border-radius, box-shadow, background gradient, and opacity.

css3.mikeplate.com helps create CSS3 for border-radius, box-shadow, text-shadow, transforms, columns, background gradients, and more

Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator helps with creating the CSS for gradients. This tool has helped me out on more than one project.

CSS Formatters / Optimisers / Beautfiers
CleanCSS, CSS Portal, and CSS Beautifier make it fast and easy to organiser and format CSS. 

Snippets, Tips, Tricks and the Like
Useful and Ready-to-use HTML Snippets is a post over at DZone.com. It is a quick list of helpful snippets that are ready to be copied and pasted.

CSS Zen Garden demonstrates the power of CSS and a good place to find inspiration.

CSS-Tricks is a great place to learn more about CSS. I have watched several of the videos and picked up a lot of good information, tips, tricks and techniques. 

!important is a powerful CSS keyword that changes the precedence of a declaration. It is easy to miss use and abuse check out the blog post 'When Using !important is The Right Choice' for more information.

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