07 December, 2019

Learning a bit about Docker

What is Docker?

Docker is a tool to develop, ship and run applications. The heart of Docker is the container. A Docker container contains all the parts needed to run an application.


I am currently running Pop!_OS 19.10. Which made installing Docker a bit more interesting. Pop!_OS 19.10 is based on Ubuntu 19.10. The official Docker documentation shows support for Ubuntu 19.04. For the most part, I followed the official documentation to install. When it came time to add the source I used the following.

sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu disco stable"

The rest of the instructions were easy to follow and didn't require any modifications.

I also run the 'Optional Linux post-installation steps'. These steps should allow me to run docker commands from a terminal without preface a command without the 'sudo' keyword. For some reason, this is not working for me. I have verified that the group exists and my user account is part of the group. Additional research is needed.


I spent a bit of time reading through the official Docker documentation. There is a lot of information to absorb. There is way too much information to summarize in a single blog post. I am going to need a break the information down into smaller chunks.


From the Docker Samples work the following tutorials:

From Play with Docker Classroom work the following tutorials:
From Docker Curriculum work the following tutorials:


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