A few months ago, I started learning about Docker. I got derailed with work projects and personal projects. Now that I have a bit of time, I want to get back to learning about Docker.
I came across the book "Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches" by Elton Stoneman. Elton is putting a YouTube video each workday.
Day 1 - Understanding Docker and running Hello, World
Docker Commands covered in "Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches: Day 1"
- docker version
- docker-compose version
- docker container run {name of image}
- docker container run --interactive --tty {name of a image}
- docker container ls
- docker container top {container id}
- docker container logs {container id}
- docker container inspect {container id}
- docker container ls --all
- docker container run --detach --publish {local port:container port} {name of a image}
- docker container status {container id}
- docker container rm --force $(docker container ls --all --quite)
Notes from Day 1
- The Docker Engine is the thing that runs the containers.
- Container wraps the application and has resources that the container can access.
- Containers are like a virtual environment in concept. One major difference is the container relies on the hosting machine's resources.
- Containers stop automatically when the code in the container stops.
- The Docker CLI can be configured to run against a local docker server or against a remote docker server
Day 2 - Building your own Docker images
Docker Commands covered in "Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches: 02"
- docker image pull {name of image}
- docker container run -d --name {name I want the container called} {name of image}
- docker container logs {name of image}
- docker container -rm {name of image}
- docker container run --end {key=value pair} {name of image}
- docker image build --tag {name} .
- docker image ls
- docker image history {image name}
- docker system df
Notes from Day 2
- Dockerfile contains the steps needed to build a Docker image. This kind of like install instructions or a runbook.
- Docker commands follow a pattern
- docker {command} {subcommand} - with Docker 1.13 the CLI was restructured
- We talk about an image as a singular thing. An image is built up of many layers or parts. The images parts can be shared among other images.
- Dockerfile
- Dockerfile commands are capitalized (ie FROM, ENV, WORKDIR)
- FROM line is required and is first-line
- WORKDIR creates a working directory
- CMD is the startup command for a container
- The size listed from the command 'docker image ls' is the logical size.
- A good practice is to structure the Dockerfile in such a way that the cache is used. This helps reduce the amount of time it takes to rebuild an image.
- The build process creates a hash for each step in the Dockerfile. This hash is used to help determine if that step needs to be rebuilt. Once the build encounters a step that needs to be rebuilt then all steps from that point to the last step will be rebuilt.
- Put the commands that are least likely to change first
Day 3 - Packaging apps from source code into Docker images
Docker commands covered in "Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches: 03"
- docker image build -t { name of image } .
- docker container run { name of image }
- docker network create { name of network }
- docker container run --name { name of container} -d -p { host port }:{ container port } --network { name of network } { name of image }docker co
- docker image ls -f reference={first image} -f reference={second image}
- docker system prune
Notes from Day 3
- Able to run commands inside Dockerfile
- examples would be expanding zip files, running Windows installers, running a git command
- Dockerfile can contain multi-stages
- the final stage should contain only what is needed to run the application
- the image size can change while the image is building
- With Docker, it is possible to build an image from source code without having an SDK installed
- Dockerfile
- EXPOSE - port the container should listen on
- Multistage Dockerfiles are important and useful
- Helps standardize your project across various OS
- Helps standardize processes across projects. Any project using a Dockerfile basically need two commands to get the project running
- docker image build
- docker container run
- The use of layers within an image reduces the amount of time spent in rebuilding images
- The first time an image is built all the layers need to be pulled, processed, and cached. After the first build, the cached layers can be used.
- The order of the commands in the Dockerfile is important
- The use of layers and cache comes at the expensive of hard drive space
- Docker doesn't auto clean the cache
- Separates the build & package tools from what is needed for deployment
- Within a multistage Dockerfile, the steps in each stage should be organized so the steps change slowly or whose results are not like to change goes first.
- You can only optimize so far. If one step relies on the results of a previous step then the steps must appear in that order.
- An example would be the run command
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