14 September, 2020

Upgrade to Cura 4.7.1 and Upgrade of OctoPrint to Python3


Today, I made the jump from Cura 4.62 to Cura 4.7.1. In reviewing the release notes, for Cura 4.7.0 there were a lot of updates. I should have updated to Cura 4.7.0 earlier. 

There are some items in Cura 4.7.0 that I am looking forward to playing with or will make using the tool a little easier. 

  • Rotation widgets
  • Moved tree-support from experimental to normal settings
  • Adjust initial layer horizontal expansion
  • Allow a g-code to be inserted before or after pausing
Cura 4.7.1 contains a small list of bug fixes. 


When I fired up OctoPrint today, I was greeted with the notice 'Upgrade your OctoPrint install to Python3!' After reading the blog post, I couldn't see a reason not to update. I open a SSH session to my Rasberry PI running OctoPrint and ran the commands from the article. It took a bit of time for everything to download and install.

There are some messages from the updated that will need to be researched or addressed at a later day. 

After rebooting the Raspberry Pi, I am now getting a message that 'The OctoPrint server is currently not running'. When I SSH to the Raspberry Pi, the message 'OctoPrint version : unknown' and 'OctoPi version : 0.17.0' is now displaying.

After a bit of thought, I am just going to rebuild the OctoPrint installation.

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